
Monday, June 1, 2015


Hello friends. Long time, no blog.

I think the general consensus is that one announces a blog break in advance of their absence rather than upon their return but since I didn't exactly plan to have a blog break for quite so long I couldn't follow correct bloggy etiquette. And 6 weeks away? Yikes, I didn't even realise it had been that long or that I would need that long. Sorry about that. Rest assured all is well here and thank you for the e-mails of concern. I am neither at the bottom of a mineshaft nor am I sun-baking in the Bahamas, although right now I'd give my right arm to be doing the latter. I'm simply here at home, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy amongst the total utter chaos that comes with project managing our farm development and raising 5 children.

What that means is that instead of having the evenings while the kids are in bed to engage in my usual activities of reading, writing, blogging, knitting or staying abreast of important affairs of the world binge-watching House of Cards, Homeland, Outlander, Game of Thrones and Eurovision, I've been spending that time thinking. Just sitting on the sofa thinking. Thinking about how to organise the home life when the business opens, planning how best to go about it and talking about all the daily issues that need to be resolved with this project as it's being built. It has taken a long time, all this thinking, planning and talking. I simply haven't had the headspace for anything else. We've also made the decision to have an au pair join our family and are super excited to welcome Vanessa from Germany here in just a few weeks time. This process has involved lots of late night skype interviews with potential candidates not to mention some mammoth cleaning frenzies to particular areas of the home. If only she was here already to help me organise the house for her arrival.

So, in a nutshell, I've had an interlude of sorts to deal with the backlog and prepare for the next phase and I'm planning on keeping up with this space more regularly now. I thought I'd share some photos of the build process so far (although I needed a more serene image to start the post off and get those first words on the page). Of course it has been very exciting watching it all unfold day by day but it has also been an all-encompassing roller-coaster ride with lots of unexpected twists and turns and hairy moments. It has been a huge challenge for me personally, to keep it all together and not lose the plot entirely. I could have blogged through all the ups and downs but that's not really my style. I prefer to stay super focussed and just get the job done and then debrief afterwards. Unfortunately the debrief on this one will be a 4000 page novel which I predict I'll only have time to write in about 20 years time when the children have flown the nest. Or not. Consider yourselves spared :-)


So, here's how things are shaping up for Coal River Farm with the next phase of the project - the cheese and chocolate making facility along with farm kitchen/restaurant.


  1. Good to have you back again. The project looks amazing, I can't wait to visit when its all up and running!

  2. Glad to hear all is well (albeit very busy) and that your farm project is progressing. We are designing our house in New Zealand at the moment and it is not so easy when you cannot just pop down to the local council office and ask questions. How fantastic to have an extra pair of hands coming your way.

  3. Wow - such exciting times ahead. Good luck and make sure you find some quiet times for you too x

  4. Hello, hello. I was just beginning to worry about you, but here you are. And wow, the farm ... suddenly it is all coming together and it is clearly going to be amazing, but then I always knew it would be. I'm sure an extra pair of hands will be a godsend, and having an EU au pair will add another chapter to that book ;)

  5. So exciting for everything to come together, though I can imagine the headache of trying to keep everything on an even keel. I think rather than just sit on the sofa thinking I'd be like one of those Victorian ladies reclining on a chaise longue with a dainty with a cold compress on my forehead.
    What fabulous views you have.

  6. Your farm development is already impressive before it is even finished. I am starting to save up pennies to come and visit in a few years time :-) I am glad you are getting an extra pair of hands. I do hope you'll find some time to knit and watch those box sets when Vanessa arrives. It is good to see you here today Mel! x

  7. It's so nice to see you back at your blog, Mel! And so great to hear that the development is coming along nicely. I think I'll start saving my pennies and come visit with Christina. :-)

    Did you mention anything about poisonous snakes in your Skype interview with Vanessa? Ha!

  8. So you know when things are busily rolling along, and everyone is doing great but there is something missing and you just can't put a finger on what that is until suddenly it's back and then you don't understand how you couldn't figure out what it was? I'm happy to hear your updates :) Can't wait to hear more!

  9. Wow, so exciting, no wonder you didn't have time to blog. Glad to hear that everything is ok and please keep us up to date with developments as and when you have time!
    Caz xx

  10. Cheese and chocolate making?! I thought you were "just" doing fruit on a massive scale! I'll have to add you guys to our long term travel plans! Do you already have the dairy animals?

  11. Hey Mel,
    I admire you. I really do. I cannot wait to see all the fruits of your labours come together. And hurrah for the au pair!
    Leanne xx

  12. It is lovely to hear from you and to see the progress on your build. It looks as though everything is going really well. I have been watching a TV show called Australian Food with Matt Moran and it made me think of you as he travels around different places. Perhaps in a few years the chefs and tv presenters will be coming to visit! I hope that they do as you deserve to have them come after all of your hard work! I hope that you like your new au pair and that she likes you and that you can find a little more time for yourself to relax! xx

  13. You are such an interesting, put-together person. Really. I know you'll disagree, but you're doing really well with a huge load on your plate and I'm so excited to see everything taking shape.

  14. Amazing! What a project! I'm not sure how anyone would expect to keep it together through all of that! Looking forward to watching it progress...xo

  15. Oh my!! Seeing the building makes me realise just how huge it is all going to be!!!

  16. Well I think you're totally amazing Mel and I loved reading a post from you...I have also struggled to keep up with blogging, although I only have the 3 kidlets...and definitely not building a farmstead, but life in general is just...bumpy, most of the time.
    You should feel so proud of how it is coming along, so much hard work and yes, lots of thinking, which is hard work in itself. Sounds like exciting times with the extra help on her way, I'm sure that will be lovely for the kids too.
    Take care loveky lady and I can't wait to read more as it all progresses, J xo

  17. Wow! I can simply not fathom how you have the headspace for all of it! I hardly do with one child and not our own business, but still the buzzing around in the brain of an evening, the thinking and overthinking and planning and wondering...hmmm. Excited to see your grand new adventures unfold - cheering you all on from here!

  18. Wow, it's looking amazing already! I'm glad you're getting another pair of hands, it's got to make life so much easier for you! xx

  19. With all you're going to be busy with shortly , you're unlikely to have time post ever again !
    Thank goodness for your archives ...
    Good luck with everything . May it all go swimmingly !

  20. I think I need to come and visit when you are up and running Mel. Hat's off to you lady. Total respect.

    (and hooray for an au pair :-)

  21. I think I need to come and visit when you are up and running Mel. Hat's off to you lady. Total respect.

    (and hooray for an au pair :-)

  22. What exciting times for you and your family my hubby and I just arrived back off holidays and thought I would check what you were up to, congratulations to you all and the children are growing even though I have not met you I feel that I feel I do know a lot about you and your family and good and keep it going cheers Marlein
