
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cutting the red ribbon

Hello friends. I am so excited to finally be able to say that our farm is open for business! The 3 year process from conception to construction has largely come to an end and two weeks ago we celebrated the milestone at our launch party with the Premier of Tasmania officially announcing the opening of Coal River Farm to the public. To say this process has been one of the most challenging things I have ever done is an understatement. Starting a new business is hard at the best of times but to build something from scratch adds a whole new layer of challenges. There were so many times that I doubted what we were doing and many more times I thought the whole thing would fall over completely but we got there in the end. Mostly I fantasised about how much easier it would have been to buy an already existing business but then again the rewards of watching our weed ridden paddock transform into something special and now to see people enjoy the food at the restaurant whilst admiring the view is the best reward you could ask for. I'm feeling pretty proud of what we have achieved and yes, I do think it was all worth the blood, sweat and tears.

And now the hard work really begins. So much for opening in the middle of winter and allowing ourselves time to find our feet before the busy Summer period begins. We have literally hit the ground running and our little restaurant has been running at capacity almost every single day over the lunch time period. I don't think I've worked harder in my life. I almost had my first day off today after 14 days straight until Daniel called me down to help out over lunch. We never expected it to start so strong and obviously couldn't be happier. The main shock to the system is for little old me who is having to get back into the swing of things after almost a decade off. I am coping, just :-)

Before I go reacquaint myself with my long lost blogging buddies, I just wanted to say a big thank you to my friend Natalie who captured our opening night so beautifully with her gorgeous images above.

Mel xxx


  1. Congratulations to you and Daniel and the family. I hope you manage to get some down time soon. I am glad that it is gotten off to a roaring success for you.

  2. Congratulations! May they keep rolling in!!! x

  3. Wow Mel! This is just so wonderful & exciting! You guys rock, what an amazing family, I am truly in awe. So pleased to hear the masses are flocking to your lovely new attraction, no doubt just a taste of things to come once the warmer seasons hit. Hope you get that day off soon...'day off' said loosely, as being a Mama of 5, it is never really a day off! Beautiful pics & the kids look so happy & gorgeous. Congratulations & looking forward to seeing more of your posts, when time permits of course :) Jules xo

  4. Congratulations to you and your family for your vision and your future of your family. All the best. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  5. I couldn't be more pleased for you my long distant friend, I just wish I could pop over and give you a great big congratulatory hug in person.

  6. Amazing!! So happy to hear that it is such a success for you! I can only imagine how busy you are! I hope you get a break soon!

  7. Well done! It must be so incredible to see your dream become a reality, Mel. I'm so happy for you and your family. The photos are wonderful!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! How wonderful!!!! It looks so wonderful - the restaurant - and so do you and your lovely family!!!! You all look so very happy!!!!!! I am so pleased for you!!!!!! I hope that it will be the most amazing success and that only good things will come to your and your wonderful business. I see only one downside, that you are too far away for me to pop by for lunch!!!! xx

  9. What an exciting time for your family! I wish you all the best with your farm and everything else you have going on there. It looks like a beautiful place. Congratulations and best wishes.

  10. How exciting! It looks fabulous and I'm so pleased that it's got off to such a fantastic start. Such a shame you're the other side of the world, but maybe one day ...

  11. Hey Mel,
    Many, many congratulations to you all!! I wish you all the best of British for future success.
    Leanne xx

  12. Congratulations it looks fantastic and I'm sure it will be so successful. I too wish you were nearer so I could visit. It has been so interesting watching you realising your dream. Sarah x

  13. How very exciting! Congratulations!

  14. Congratulations! It looks amazing.

  15. So fantastic Mel for you all - and for all those who will visit and enjoy the fruits of your labour!! it looks wonderful and so very exciting. Hope you get enough time off to give yourself a big pat on the back. cheers Wendy

  16. How wonderful! Congratulations to you all Mel, I wish you every success x

  17. Mel it looks absolutely incredible! Congratulations! I'll be making a beeline straight for it whenever I finally get around to visiting. Best of luck. Kellie xx

  18. So excited!! Wonderful news!:):)

  19. Congratulations, that's a fantastic achievement, you should be so very proud of yourselves. It's a lovely building, and the picture of you all stood in front of it is great. I was grinning ear to ear by the last photo, I'm absolutely thrilled for you all. And I'm so glad it's busy already. I'm wishing you every happiness and success for the future. CJ xx

  20. How exiting! Congratulations to all of you. I am so happy for you that all is coming together now, that all the hard work is paying off. I better start saving up now so we can visit one day in the future. x

  21. Congratulations on your successful and happy opening. You must be so excited (& knackered).

  22. Wow Mel, what an amazing place. It looks fabulous. To have created that AND to keep your family looking so happy - you must be a super Mom!

  23. Congratulations! It looks amazing! Can't wait to see more... x

  24. I'm so excited for you and happy it is off to an amazing start! I cannot wait to come see the view myself when I next head to Tassie xx

  25. My most heartfelt congratulations to you all. An amazing achievement. I hope to wander through your beautiful restaurant one of these days!

  26. I can't believe it has been 3 years! I remember when you first mentioned making plans for all of this. I am so happy for you that it has all come together. Congratulations on the opening and I wish all the success to you and your family. Hopefully I can make it to Tasmania one day and see it all for myself.

  27. Congratulations - looks fantastic. Great achievement - good luck!
    Caz xx

  28. Wow. A HUGE congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment you have all achieved. xxx

  29. Congratulations! I wish you all the best, you've put so much hard work in, you're all amazing! Just dropped in after not visiting for some time, and am so delighted to see this post. Take care x

  30. THis is so so cool. FLights to tassie were $59 return last weekend and I nearly just booked them for something to time I might just do it and come and say hello.

  31. Congratulations! sounds like everything is going so well. Stunning building! great photos.

  32. Oh! I've only just seen this! I'm sure I said it on FB but huge hugs and congratulations - I hope it's all going well for you guys and I can't wait to pop in next time I make it down south! xx
