Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Dalek for my Darling

Daniel is obsessed very passionate about Dr Who. I am not. I've tried to embrace the show but I just can't get past the first few seconds with all the silly creatures and cheap props. 

I sit there thinking of these grown Men and Women turning up to work and being told to look scared when a cardboard robot appears and then hop into a blue telephone booth and head off into another time. I just don't get it. I always thought I just wasn't into Science Fiction as Star Trek and all those shows of similar ilk leave me with the same incredulous feeling. I like 'real' life. However I'm counting down the sleeps until the next season of "Game of Thrones" begins so there goes my anti-Science Fiction theory. Daniel has read all the books and said I might like the series. "No way!", I said. "You Know I hate science fiction". Well I peered up from my knitting when he started the first episode and according to my Instagram feed, I started watching the series 35 weeks ago and loved it so much I watched all 3 series in about 2 weeks flat, with multiple episodes being watched each night. Admittedly I spent most of my head looking at the knitting needles so there was a quick distraction from all the blood and guts but the writing is incredible and the acting superb. Anyone else hooked?

Anyway, back to Dr. Who. Daniel has now started recruiting the Kids into his Dr Who fan club and he and Eleanor have watched all 7 seasons together and are eagerly awaiting season 8. I have a feeling Dr Who is going to become part of life here and so because I am a good wife, I made him a Dalek for his birthday, using this pattern. He loves it and it now sits next to his laptop on his desk at work. 

Like many folk, he has always lamented the fact his Birthday falls so close to Christmas. His parents are Teachers and his special day was always overshadowed by Speech night and end of year wrap-ups with often one present sufficing for both Birthday and Christmas. This year was no exception. After much hinting, we bought him a Fishing Kayak which will be a combined Birthday/Christmas gift which he had to pick up himself after installing some roof racks. Somehow between Little Athletics, a day at the beach and my excitement over finishing the Dalek on time, I forgot about a birthday cake. But never fear, there was another little celebration at his office the next day with a cake he had to buy himself. Happy Birthday Darling. There's always next year :-)


  1. Never really got the 'Dr Who' thing either although there was a small blip in time when I was at boarding school in Sydney and committed to giving it a go…..when I was nursing an adolescent thing for Peter Davison, who I thought had been absolutely gorgeous as Tristan in the TV adaption (we are talking v early 80's here) of 'All Creatures Great & Small'…as I said, it didn't last for long! No cake…quelle horror….next year you'd better get in the queue at Daci & Daci and purchase one….or pre order one to be specially made with a Dalek on it from Sweet Envy! Rx

  2. The Dalek is terrific Mel - I'm sure it was a big hit. Dr Who is a bit tragic, but I can understand the magic of it. I used to watch eons ago, not sure which series it was, but then again I used to watch Mr Ed and My Favorite Martian too, so go figure. Happy Birthday to Daniel - I'm one of those close to Christmas too, one week to the day and it's so not fair when you're young and get presents combined into one, but as an adult I don't mind so much. It usually means it's a bigger present lol. Plus no-one really does that to me anymore. Lovely snaps at the beach, Flynn looks so cute, as do the bigger boys. Happy days. cheers Wendy

  3. nope I have never seen the attraction to Dr Who either, in fact it used to freak me out with just the music. But that Dalek - My God that is cute! xx

  4. I'm with you on Dr. Who. In fact, as I've mentioned on another blog recently, I was terrified of that late 70's/early 80's Doctor when I was a child, the one with the scarf and curly hair. I don't know why but I was so scared of him. Your Dalek is great. My husband likes Dr. Who and I gave him a t-shirt last year with a Dalek apparently working in Starbucks, wearing a green apron and making coffee, saying "Caffeinate!" It works great for my husband's love of coffee as well as his interest in Dr. Who. :)

  5. i'm terribly out of it, i don't know dr. who or the thrones. but your dalek (what IS IT?) is wonderful, and the fact that you made it for your love is more wonderful. happy birthday to your daniel! (chucks birthday is this week also!) the kayak is awesome, aww you guys!

  6. That Dalek is brilliant; I wouldn't ordinarily be a fan of anything like Dr Who but I think it stems from Saturday evening TV when I was a child and those cardboard robots were SO scary! I used to love it and now my kids love the modern version (they'd laugh at the episodes I watched many years ago)

  7. Love the Dalek!. I have to admit being a fan. Hard to explain why... :)

  8. I just love all things Dr Who... Essentially I love anything with outrageously ridiculous creatures, time travel or "beam me up Scotty" magic transporting devices. I wish my husband would knit me a Dalek! Yours is amazing! Your kids might like the Sarah Jane adventures, a spin off of Dr Who of sorts, in which children have amazing adventures Dr Who style (minus the time travel).

  9. I'm with you. I just don't get Dr. Who, and this is coming from me who normally loves all things British. And also like you, I am not a fan of science fiction in general, so have avoided Game of Thrones. Now you have me wondering if I should give the series a try. Or maybe try reading one of the books.

    I have no clue what a Dalek is, but you have done a great job knitting it. :-)

  10. I am not a Dr Who fan at all! The Dalek is great though, and obviously a hit! Happy Birthday to your man! xx

  11. Dr...WHO?? Nup, never got it. The hair on that guy was enough to drive me away. Your knitting talents are amazing, Mel....whenever I read your posts I vow to start learning! xx

  12. Oh dear. I bleddy love Dr Who!! We are huge fans in this house. We have watched the 50th anniversary episode several times already, and can't wait for the new doctor. I have a huge crush on David Tennant, which helps tbh...

    Your Dalek is fab. Clever girl. Gorgeous pictures, especially the one of Flynn.

    Leanne xx

  13. My husband loves Dr Who while I can't understand the whole thing - what is it with the Daleks?? They look like space age wheelie bins. I've watched a few episodes at his insistence but still didn't get it. There was, however, one episode that I did like and that was the one (from 1 or 2 seasons ago) where the evil angels moved when you didn't see them.
    To be fair, my husband doesn't get the whole Monty Don thing either!
    Love the idea of a fishing kayak - we're thinking of getting his and hers kayaks to use down at Marieville Esp this Summer.

  14. Spending Birthday wishes.....even a knitted Dalek gives me the creeps! :) x

  15. I'm with Daniel ... the contemporary reimagining of Dr Who is brilliant. I generally love Sci Fi. But not Fantasy, unless written by Tolkein or CS Lewis. And Game of Thrones is Fantasy ... I couldn't get into it all all, says the purist hehe.

    Love the Dalek! Happy Birthday Daniel.

  16. We are all Dr. Who fans here in my household ... well except for my daughter who repels anything "nerdy". My son has been begging me for a knitted Dalek and I told him I found the pattern ... last year! I still have to make it, but I was stalling because I've never knit "bobbles" before. The knitted pattern looks SO complicated, but I'll just have to concentrate. There's a great website by the way that has all sorts of Dr. Who and other nerdy things for sale ;) Wendy x

  17. Happy Birthday to hubby and what a fab present. We are definitely not Dr Who fans, but possibly because we have never gotten in to it and our kids are to young. It sounds that despite not having a cake, he did have a special birthday and like you say there is always next year. xoxo

  18. That Dalek is so many different kinds of awesome! I'm working my way through box sets as I type - I'm up to Series 7 right now. Love Dr Who!

  19. We have two Whovians here, but I'm with you! The only parts I like are the period bits in costume that I've glimpsed in passing. Your Dalek is amazing, almost makes me think Dr Who not so silly?

  20. I think dr who was a little before my time so I've never gotten into it. I did however become addicted to Star Trek while on maternity leave :) love the dalekyou made. What an awesome present idea!

  21. We are in full agreement on this issue, Mel! I have no time for Dr Who, it's just not my cup of tea. Neither does John, and the kids are too young still so we are a Dr Who free house, for now. But Game of Thrones - oh yes, it's excellent. I think it's because it doesn't really feel like science or fantasy fiction, but more like historical drama. I've only seen the first season and I love it. Excellent acting.

    Your dalek is brilliant - it's such a fun and silly present, it's perfect. xx
