Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear Children

Dear Children,

Apparently I embarrassed you the other day. It was the first time you have accused me of such a thing but no doubt it won't be the last. I was only singing Guy Sebastian's "Like a Drum" in the car at the top of my voice. Nothing out of the ordinary. You were all singing along with me. However, the addition of your friend in the car was enough to deem the act embarrassing.

Of course you probably don't remember all of the embarrassing things that have come out of your own mouths over the years. I've been doing some reflecting and thought I'd perhaps remind you of a few.

Front of mind is the time when you said to the man standing next to me "Mum, that Man must be having Twins like you!". The doors of the elevator then closed and a rather long and awkward silence followed as we all rode up to the 30th floor of the building.

Then there was the time at the grocery store when you asked "why does that person have purple hair and rings in her face?" and I said "because she likes it. It looks nice doesn't it?" to which you answered in a really loud voice "no, it looks really yucky."

And let's not forget the time we were attending a friend's Christening and you interrupted the Priest in the middle of the service with "MUM! That naughty man keeps saying God!".

I particularly enjoyed the time you were asked by your Teacher what you did on the weekend and you said that you went to the bottle shop to buy beer and wine. The BBQ we had with friends, the sports and games, the endless pushing on the swings, books that were lovingly shared at bedtime and general awesomeness that happened over that weekend obviously slipped your mind.

Little comments like "Mum, when I see your bottom it wiggles. A lot" are also a tad embarrassing when said in earshot of a full waiting room at the Doctor's surgery.

I could go on. Needless to say, on the scale of embarrassment, we are not even close to being Even Stevens. Not by a long shot. In fact, I'd go as far as saying I have some catching up to do :-)

Love Mum x


  1. Hilarious Mel! I wish I could remember all the funny things my boys have said over the years, they say the best things when they are little! xx

  2. Oh Mel you cracked me up, it's only going to get worse for them I can tell you now I'm sure my Miss 14 would attest to that;) xx

  3. Too good!! I am constantly being accused of embarassing my older two children. Sometimes I go out of my way to do so. Well why not? I'm not sure that I can veen bring myself to tell you about the most embarassing incident that they inflicted upon me, but it involved a glass of water and an 'item' of female convenience located in my bag. It still makes me shudder.

    Leanne xx

  4. Hilarious! I especially love the one with the priest. Thanks for starting my morning off with a laugh.

    You have a ways to go on embarrassing your children. Sometimes when we were kids my mother would pull up next to a vehicle with all its windows blaring loud thumping rock music with boosted bass, roll her own windows down, turn on opera, and crank the radio all the way up, then stare beatifically into space nodding her head to the music while the other driver goggled. We would just slink down in our seats, hide our faces, and pray for the light to change so we could move on.

  5. It's a mother's job to embarrass her children, it ensures they one day move out and don't live at home until they are 45.

  6. I love it! Wait until they're teenagers - a parent just walking into the room and saying hello to their friends rates pretty high on the embarassment scale for them.

  7. This is hilarious! I love them all, but I think interrupting the priest is my favourite. Thanks for the morning laugh!

  8. Brilliant Mel!!!! I hope that you enjoy having fun with your catching up and that you keep on singing in the car, whether there is anyone to embarrass or not!! xx

  9. So funny! I haven't reached this stage with my girls yet. But knowing the way my three way old is now, I'm sure it won't be too far away in the future! x

    1. These moments were when the Kids were somewhere between 3 and 5 , maybe 6, so prepare thyself! :-)

  10. Oh Mel, you are an absolute cracker! My boy has embarrassed me in all sorts of unconventional ways and lately has taken to giving me pats on the hips with a matter of fact comment that I really need to get back to the gym! mel x

  11. Brilliant post Mel, don't they always say the most embarrassing things? My kids asked their Dad if he'd had so many girlfriends then why did he marry the fat one?! I'm not that big.....
    You have a lot more chances to get even I think!

  12. Excellent. Mine said some cringeworthy embarrassing things ... Usually about body parts. You gave got to laugh. You ding along very loudly because one day you will be singing on your own. Much better to embarress people x

  13. LOL :) oh yes dear mama,you have some catching up to do, luckily, many oportuntities will be available in the near and far future. ;) priceless.

  14. Ah yes, the cringe factor. How our children do come up with some zingers. I don't think we embarrass them nearly enough ;) Wendy x

  15. oh my, kids are so hilariously embarrassing! I'm excited for the tween-teenage years when I will do school runs in my slippers as payback, just as my mother did before me. :)

  16. Haha, these are funny. Just half an hour ago, I took my kids into a sandwich shop and there were teenagers sitting at a table eating. My daughter gasped, "That girl has GREEN HAIR!!!!" like it was the most shocking thing ever. Sorry, funky teenage girl just trying to eat her sandwich. :)

  17. That's funny. I remember I was standing in a line at the post office with my daughter when she was young so probably 3 I guess. There was a woman in the line in front of us with really long hair and it must have been a bit curly. Next minute Sienna says "ah scary hair" and had her hands up to her face and she said it loud. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  18. ha ha, too funny, reading this has made my day :) I have a four year old who likes to tell people he'll have a beer when asked if he'd like a drink, very embarrassing!

    1. sounds like dad put him up to it!

  19. Classic. These embarrassing moments made me giggle.

  20. Priceless! Our whole family enjoyed your embarrassing stories around the dinner table tonight, just what we needed.
    I think my girls were too shy to say anything really embarrassing out loud when they were young. At least you have the knowledge that you've brought your kids up to be completely honest!

  21. That's a classic, so funny! Reminds me of our three and half year old who always tells us "I need to do poo or wee" (usually poo) at the top of her lungs to be sure we hear! This is fine IF we are home.
    On Monday, it was on the playground, in the middle of the Melbourne zoo with many other parents within earshot, who then looked around wondering who the little girl belongs too. Sometimes when we're at the local supermarket waiting at the deli or at the register with a line of other shoppers well within earshot, not when we are in the isle on our own! Or well, anywhere there is a big crowd or to break the silence in a really quiet shop! Kids, bless their cotton socks! :)

  22. Love it!! Here is to many more embarrassing opportunities!! xoxo

  23. HAHAHAHA, Literally laughed out loud at this. LOVE IT.
    Brilliant x

  24. Amen sister... I have dedicated my life to paybacks aka embarrassing the crap out of my kids ;) xx

  25. Ah Mel, a good belly laugh that one!
    I might borrow that one, I think my own blog would benefit from a few of my own horrors! hahaha

  26. Yep, I hear you on this one.... my kids have some fun times ahead of them as I catch up?

  27. Brilliant! My lot still sometimes find me embarrassing even though they are all grown up ... and if anything I'm enjoying the payback more than ever ;)

  28. Yep, you;ve got alot of catching up to do to even the scales. In stitches here

  29. This had me laughing and laughing - so true!! The "naughty man" story is a cracker, Mel. x

  30. Ha! Oh, thank you so vey much for the giggle. Actually, more accurately the laugh/snort. And yes, Mumma, you've got a long road of catching up to do. Enjoy!

  31. Thank you for the laugh this morning!! My eldest has recently turned 2, so we have not experienced this yet…. so much to look forward too!!

  32. Children are so funny, even in their most embarrassing moments. Thanks for making me laugh! Sam once pointed to the minister during a Christmas church service shouting "is this God?" (we are not regulars). And James punched a very large lady once because he couldn't get passed her....I "pay" back by coexisting or by singing loud and badly on the way out of the cinema. Cx

  33. Sounds like you will have a nice collection of anecdotes to share at your children's 21st birthday celebrations!

  34. Mel
    Just tagged you:) Hope you can play, if too busy don't stress

  35. Oh Mel, this is hilarious!! One of my favourite posts of yours :)
