Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Toodle Pip

Hello Friends. 

It is with a heavy heart that as we welcome in a new year our family must bid farewell to our beloved Grandfather, who passed away peacefully a couple of days ago at the age of 97. To live such a long, healthy and happy life and to be surrounded by so many loved ones is a fortunate life indeed and a life to be celebrated. I am grateful for this. And he will be sorely missed.

Two years ago, an 8 year old Eleanor came home from school after a day of completing the national school exams (NAPLAN). She said the written exam was to "Nominate someone who should be a hero and explain why".  In a exam where most kids wrote about their Mums, Dads, a cricket legend or a superhero, she said she wrote about her Great Grandfather. I couldn't have been prouder. When asked what she wrote about she said she wrote about how he was a soldier in World War II fighting to protect our country, how he still marched in the ANZAC parade in Sydney every year and about when the Japanese Submarines entered Sydney harbour he was at the hospital putting mattresses over the windows of the maternity wards. Many people don't realise how close we came to War in this country. A hero indeed. 

He was the gentlest of souls, a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather and a role model for all of us to work hard, enjoy life, travel, and have hobbies. A true gentleman. He was a fan of beginning a visit with "Elevenses", "Oneses", or "Fiveses" depending on the time of day you arrived and finishing a visit with a "Toodle Pip!" on the front balcony.  I will always remember the way he used to hold my hand and my earliest memory is of me bouncing on his knee with him saying he was "clickety click 66". I asked him on one of our visits last year whether he had any advice on life for me and he simply said "Look after yourself. And look after other people". Wise words. So friends, there will be no resolutions for me this year. I will simply be taking my Grandfather's advice and trying my best to do just that. 

Toodle Pip Uppy, may you now rest in peace, together again with our beloved Grandmother.
Things may be quiet for the next few days as I begin the journey by car from Hobart to Sydney with the 5 children on my own. It's a big trip but you know I love a good road trip and I will do anything to have as many of us with the rest of the family in Sydney for the funeral on Tuesday. We're heading off at 3.30am to catch the Ferry across to Melbourne so I best get some rest.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss of your grandfather. He sounds like a wonderful man and grandfather who will live on in your heart and memories forever. A true hero for your family, and someone we should all be grateful to. Travel safely. Thinking of you and sending hugs and all best wishes. xx

  2. Oh Mel I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your much loved Grandfather. I love how your daughter looked upon her great Grandfather as a hero he certainly sounded like one. Your Grandfather sounds like he was kind and wise man who will be sadly missed by all of you. Take care and have a safe trip with your gorgeous family. My thoughts are with you. Hugs to you. xoxo

  3. That list has brought tears to my eyes.. He sounds a true gentlemen in every way. I feel that we, the next generations have been privileged to have known such wonderful people. His memories will last in your life's and as you see your family grow. Safe travels x x x

  4. I am so sorry that should have said post not list!

  5. Sorry to hear your news. He sounds a great man. Have a safe journey. x

  6. Hey Mel,
    So sorry for your loss. Your grandfather sounded like a true gent. And he clearly bestowed good advice; it's a lovely mantra to live one's life by. Safe journey for the road trip.
    Leanne xx

  7. I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather, Mel, he sounded a great man indeed. xx

  8. Your grandfather sounded like a truly wonderful man, who loved and was well loved in return through his whole life. You have some beautiful photos of him there, and you can see the love shining in both his and your grandmother's eyes. It's a great blessing to have known someone like him (and probably your grandmother as well!). It's hard to say goodbye to such treasured people, but he's obviously touched a lot of lives ... and 97 years ... wow! you really couldn't ask for more! Wendy x

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss, your kids are so lucky to have had a Great Grandfather. Bug hugs, Cat xox

  10. Very sorry for your loss Mel, but also very happy for you that you had someone so special in your lives for so long. Take care on the road won't you. xx Michelle

  11. What a wonderful age to live to and celebrate his long life. It still makes it sad when people have a full life and leave this earth. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Safe driving. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  12. I am so sorry for your loss, Mel. I love the fact that Eleanor had chosen him as her hero. "Look after yourself. And look after other people." Very wise words, indeed. Have a safe journey to Sydney.

  13. Hugs to you Mel & safe driving to Sydney xx

  14. I'm sorry, Mel. He sounds like a wonderful man and I know he will be very much missed.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss Mel, he sounds like a truly amazing person, with a life well lived. Have a safe trip. CJ xx

  16. So beautifully written Mel. In previous posts about your Grandfather he sounded such a gentleman and this just summed it up so well. Such a different life he had - and things are so different now. He certainly had a full life and no wonder you were so proud of him. Thinking of you as you travel to farewell him. cheers Wendy

  17. Lovely words and memories Mel
    Carry him in your heart as you travel safely xx

  18. This is a beautiful, beautiful post Mel. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather. He sounds like a wonderful person who had a good and rich life.
    Travel safely!
    Sarah xo

  19. A lovely tribute to your grandfather, what memories you have of him! Hope the funeral was also a fitting tribute and that you are managing the visit to Sydney alright, take care xx

  20. My thoughts are with you. A lovely tribute and isn't it amazing who children see as a hero. It sounds like he lived by his own advice. I am sure you will sorely miss him but all be happy in the fact that his was a life well lived.

  21. Oh Mel! You have me choked up here! What a man. Very special. Have a safe journey and enjoy sharing the love and memories of a truly amazing man with all your family xxxx Sarah

  22. Oh Mel,
    so sorry for your loss
    Love Kelly

  23. It's so special to have these wonderful people in our lives, he sounded wonderful xxx

  24. So sorry to hear your news; your grandfather sounds like a great man and role model. His service in WWII is deeply appreciated, and his passing provides an opportunity to reflect, and remember all the good times you had and memories you made together. Lest we forget. Safe travels, Col

  25. So sorry for your loss Mel, he sounds like an amazing man, Safe journey, and let the tears come when they will x

  26. A beautiful tribute to an extraordinary-ordinary man, Mel. How lucky you were to have such a long time together. x

  27. I hope the celebration of his life is truly beautiful and happy. While his loss is so great, there is much to remember with fondness, smiles and happiness.

    Look after yourself.

  28. Dear Mel, So sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Grandfather. He was the same generation as my Dad they had much harder lives than us. I hope you all can cherish those wonderful memories and hope the long journey goes ok.. Sarah x

  29. So sorry to hear; 97 is a whacking old age, isn't it? And it sounds like he was an inspiration to the end! Hope travelling and funerals went well. Look after yourselves. And have a good time celebrating that you knew him!

  30. So sorry to hear about your loss Mel. Your Grandfather sounds like an amazing and inspirational man. Thinking of you and your family. Safe travels xx

  31. So sorry to read this, what a super chap he was! Love to you all x

  32. Hi Mel. I hope your had safe travels and that all is well with you and your family. I was sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Grandfather - I seem to remember you writing about him so touchingly before, and he reminded me very much of my own much loved Grandpa. Grandparents have a much greater influence on our lives than we perhaps realise. xx

  33. Oh, Mel. So sorry for the loss of your Grandfather - sending much love to you and your family. xx

  34. Beautiful. Read with tears in my eyes. x
