Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Follow Your Arrow Mystery Knit-Along

I was really keen to have a crack at lace knitting so I joined up to Ysolda Teague's "Follow Your Arrow" Mystery Knit-Along where I knew there would be plenty of support available to get through the project. 

It was my first Knit-Along and it was a really fun thing to do and I especially enjoyed the interaction with other knitters from all over the world. Every week for 5 weeks we were given a choice of 2 clues. Because I wanted to see how each clue turned out I decided to do 2 scarves. I was able to keep up each week with both scarves until the 5th week where I finished the final clue on my first scarf and then released we had reached a situation of Dire Straits on the home front. I'm not saying the Dire Straits was in any way related to the fact I had spent the previous 5 weeks knitting like a madwoman at every opportunity and may have neglected the household as a result but in hindsight the timing is rather interesting. I shelved the final clue on my second scarf and will pick it up again as soon as order has been restored, which I'm hoping will be in another few weeks.

It's not that I wanted to have a lace shawl to wear per se, I just really wanted to try knitting lace and if I could wear it at the end that would be a bonus. The fun was going to be purely in the making of it. The truth is, the making of it nearly did me in. It required every inch of patience and then some. It was not the relaxed knitting I'm used to where you can still carry on conversations or watch some TV while you're at it. I lost count of the number of times I had to recount stitches or rip back a row and I had to start over from scratch not once but twice. One little mistake in lace knitting can make the whole  thing look terrible. Despite this, or maybe because of it, I really started to bond with my scarf over the course of the Knit-Along and as I finished the clue each week I was looking forward to getting the next clue in my inbox. I am quite pleased with how it came out and will definitely enjoy wearing it. I love the way you can see the arrows within the design of the scarf.

After my last scarf, I decided to have a change from my usual neutral colour palette and opted for this gorgeous blue/green. I love the colour and any worries I had about it being a bit 'out there' for a scarf have disappeared now that Hemlock Green is one of the 2014 Pantone colours of the year and I am literally seeing the colour everywhere. 

I have no idea why I look pregnant in this shot.

I'm currently reading The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion and really loving it. There is a lot to be said about this book so I'll leave it for another time.

My ravelry notes can be found here and I'm joining up with Ginny this week, something I'm trying to do about once a month, which is a more realistic time frame for me to be able to have a book read and a bit of progress on a knitting project.

Hope you are all having a great week!

Mel xxx


  1. You are a clever clogs.
    Rosie Project is a good one - and the second one should be out soon too!

    1. I didn't know there was a second one, will keep my eye out for it!

  2. This shawl is gorgeous!! Well done Mel!! Love the shot of it up against the blue sky, and you look beautiful in that shade of blue/green. I hope things settle down on the home front soon, and you can get back to the remainder of the knitting. I've wanted to knit a shawl too, and have several patterns to choose from. Making a decision over 'this or that' has never been my strong point. Wendy x

  3. You remind me a little of my sister - she is a bit of a knitaholic! Clever bugger even writes her own patterns!
    Great to hear order is on its way in your household! :) We're having a lovely week here, enjoying the lovely Hobart Autumn weather and considering taking the littlies to the Botanical Garden tomorrow morning to enjoy the blooms. Have a lovely week Mel, xx

  4. Gorgeous scarf and the colour really suits you. Love seeing all your knitting projects x

  5. I love how you made two scarves so that you can see how all the different elements would work, and the colour that you chose too, it is very pretty and looks lovely on you! xx

  6. Beautiful work - love the color. I did the same last clue as you but mine didn't come out as pointy! - not sure where I went wrong as my stitch counts came out right!

  7. It looks lovely! That was a good knitalong to join. I have seen so many beautiful shawls come from that. Simply gorgeous.

  8. I'm so envious of your knitting skills Mel! If only we lived closer and I could get some lessons from you... we could sit and knit and drink cups of tea while we chatted away. Your shawl is gorgeous and that colour suits you so well... How lovely to have such a pretty piece to wear and the satisfaction that you made it yourself makes it all the more special xx

  9. Beautiful! I love the colour!
    I had to knit a cardigan in 10 days right after Christmas this year to meet a test knit deadline and my house and family fell apart while I was in my knit-coma! It's rather eye opening, lol. I hope order is restored for you soon :)

  10. I'm very impressed! Beautiful scarf, gorgeous colour! I admire anyone who can knit lace. Just last night I washed and blocked my first attempt at lace, but it's a basic Shetland hap, not nearly as complicated as what you have done. You are right about it needing one's full attention. And mistakes are awful, as ripping back all those yarn overs and knit two togethers is not an easy task.

  11. I love this! The color is completely gorgeous!

  12. I've been curious to see the shawls knit from this KAL. Yours is beautiful!

  13. Your new scarf is beautiful, and I love the color! I found you through Small Things Yarn Along. I invite you to participate in my link party for all things yarny and crafty on Fridays at

  14. Wow you clever gal!!! This is beautiful and I really LOVE the colour and it looks so beautiful on you gorgeous! I must say that I am sure many of us can relate to that frenzy that finally hits you after weeks of neglecting 'life's duties' and when it comes down like a tonne of bricks, oh boy does it come down! I think you have done so well to make two, well done you xoxo

  15. Your shawl is lovely. I enjoy Ysolde's patterns which are well written. I knit a lot, sometimes just something repetitive as relaxation. Other times I use lace as a meditation, almost. I concentrate deeply on it and feel relaxed when I stop. Then again, my days of having young children around me are past, so I can do that. Many of us had shawl fever a few years back and I think I did about nine in one year, from small to large. Be careful. Shawl fever is contagious but I found they make welcome gifts.

    1. It sure is addictive, I'm almost finished my 3rd so if I keep this up I'll have 12 done by the end of the year! x

  16. Just gorgeous Mel - and that colour really does suit you. cheers Wendy

  17. brilliant knitting mel! i think we did the different clues, but what a fun time it was. and now you look beautiful in your new shawl!

  18. this is beautiful Mel, such a pretty pattern x

  19. It might have been a bit of a pain to knit but goodness, it was worth it! Such a beautiful shawl and such a lovely colour on you. Well done!!

    Katie x

  20. Fab! I've never been brave enough to master lace knitting - I lose count on basic knitting so lace knitting may be just too much. A knit-along sounds like fun.

  21. So goregous! (The shawl and you!) I have yet to work up any bravery to try lace. I can barely purl- I keep looking at projects like these longingly when my skills have improved.

  22. Mel it's beautiful, well done! It reminds me of the little scarves I used to buy from Laura Ashley :) x

  23. Gorgeous shawl, gorgeous colour.
    I hope order is fully restored soon and you can get back to your second shawl.
    Have a beautiful week

  24. Mel, I read your post in the car early this morning but couldn't reply.
    Since then, I have spent the day at my Aunties, checking out all of her yummy knitted creations. She is clearly DEPERATE for a grandchild, but none on the way yet.
    Anyway, I pulled out the trusty iPhone and showed her your gorgeous creation, you were "my friend Mel" today!

    1. Aw that's sweet of you Olivia, the feeling is mutual :-)

  25. Your knit is beautiful. I love the color you chose.

  26. That's absolutely beautiful Mel, the edge reminds me of a baby shawl which was made for my eldest. I tried to get The Rosie Project for my reading group last week but the library couldn't supply enough copies, I wish I'd have stuck with it though and bought from Amazon, the one I eventually chose is disappointing, however do you find the time to read?? ;-) have a lovely weekend.

  27. I love your blog. I've just find it yeterday and I'm trying to read everything :)
    Nice photos of your family and other things.
    Gorgeous shawl.

  28. Gorgeous ..... When I saw the words Coal Valley, I wondered if it was the same Coal Valley area near where I live. And it is. First time I have visited your blog via Ginny's. Greetings.

  29. I love the colour - it looks gorgeous on you Mel! x

  30. It's beautiful! And I love the colour! I really enjoyed 'The Rosie Project' and was quite sad to get to the end of it. I see someone else has commented that there is another book out soon. I must investigate that! x

  31. Hi Mel, your shawl is so beautiful! I love the color and the fabulous stitches! It suits you perfectly! Would love to have you visit me sometime:)
    Hope you have a wonderful day and week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  32. Your shawl is beautiful - I love the colour. Hope you have a lovely day x

  33. Oh Mel! You're lace scarf id divine! Such talent! I hope to get there one day :) Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my "basic" knitting :)

    Sophie xo

  34. Mel - are you joining in the Circle of Pine Trees virtual book club - just wondered because the Rosie Project is on the book list. Will be interested to hear what you think! cheers Wendy

  35. It looks great! Lace knitting is the kind I love best. And yes, me too on the monthly yarning along :)

  36. The shawl is beautiful, as are you. I keep backing away from shawls and you keep knitting and showing us shawls that make me want to knit and wear one.

    And you don't look pregnant!
