Monday, March 31, 2014

Where's Flynn?

Hello 16 Months. I remember you.

You're that age where, if you have a quiet but fast and adventurous toddler, the number one question in the household becomes "Where's Flynn?!".

It's that age where you are straight out the door like a shot and within 30 seconds can be found amongst the chickens, trying to give them a hug

Come back!

or grabbing pellets out of the bag to feed them

Or the dog

Or you'll be climbing up the stairs, knowing I'll be right behind you


Or you'll be opening every single cupboard and rearranging the contents. The spice cupboard is your favourite. 

Or you'll be 'helping' with the laundry

Or playing with the water cooler or anything except the box of toys available.

Or pushing every single button on every single appliance in the house.

Or climbing onto all the furniture.

Or getting onto the trampoline to kick the ball.

Or playing in your little red wagon.

Busy Boy.

Thank goodness we both get a chance to rejuvenate during your daytime nap

before starting round 2 in the afternoon :-)


  1. You could turn this into a book Mel:) What a happy and busy little boy, with such a sweet little smile. Day time sleeps are just bliss for you both and doesn't Flynn look peaceful. xxx

  2. There's 10 years between our second & third kids & man have I forgotten how busy/active/messy/chaotic/hilarious/tiring this toddler stage is!!!

    I couldn't help but laugh at the photo of Flynn chasing the chicken- too funny!!!

  3. I love the way that he seems to want to feed everything!! That is love! Hope that you had a nice nap today! xx

  4. Oh such memories. I'd forgotten all about these days. Lucky you to have so many photos; my children were small pre-digital and camera phone when cameras were kept in the case and brought out for high days and holidays.

  5. I absolutely love this....oh yes, they're so so quick and quiet at 16 months aren't they! (Adorable too!) :) x

  6. All of these pictures of Flynn are wonderful, but that first one of him chasing the chickens? Oh my! You need to enter that one in some kind of photo contest. It's hilarious!

  7. I love this post Mel. "Where is George" is probably our most repeated phrase at the moment! xo

  8. How lovely this is, I'd forgotten half of that "boy stuff" like trying to play football whilst bouncing on a trampoline! And water, a never ending source of entertainment. Gorgeous little chap. (I replied to your question about school on my last post Mel - number 1 son is at sixth form college, between high school and Uni, he finishes in June/July - gulp)

  9. Hey Mel,

    Goodness that took me back! It's seems only yesterday that as soon as my back was turned Olly would be up to silent mischief! He looks a little cutie though, and how lovely to have all of that space to explore.
    Leanne xx

  10. Oh how I miss the fun of these days! Flynn is absolutely the most gorgeous wee man. I hope the chickens are still laying.... Enjoy the fun and the naps in between. Cx

  11. Flynn is the pets' best friend these days!! He's such a charmer, and I like how all you have to do is photograph him while he does all the work ;) I love that age! You need to press the "pause" button for a little while Mel. Wendy x

  12. Adorable!!! I love to see those stunning pics about your sweet Flynn! Enjoy your lovely little boy!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  13. Ahhh 16 months, I remember like it was yesterday! Such lovely photos Mel - love the action ones! Enjoy.
    cheers Wendy

  14. i LOVE flynn! i LOVE 16 months old! the first photo is my favorite ever. omgosh mel, i am having flashback heartpangs. he is gorgeous beyond words. where's flynn? LOVE this.

  15. This is just the absolute cutest!

    Katie x

  16. I love this little reminder of what's just around the corner! Flynn looks like he's got one foot in the big boy world, but still lots of yummy baby-ness about him too.

    rachel xo

    ps does he eat the dog biscuits too? elliot used to LOVE them at that age.

  17. Oh I love these! But most especially the first one! He's such a cutie! x

  18. So much to love. I wish it didn't all hurry by so quickly. Enjoy him Mel.

  19. Wow! I can hardly remember those days. But I believe they were just as fun. He's so cute!

  20. oh he melts me Mel. I particularly love the first shot, running through the dirt in his onesie!
    Soak it all in, life flies x

  21. Oh goodness, he is adorable! I love the shot of him in his wagon. I am gearing up for O start this phase soon. x

  22. He is so like the others yet such a little individual person already. My fifth loved the chooks too, probably because everyone leaves them behind to go to school. At least we know they have good immunity!

  23. Oh that one of him chasing the chicken - that is sooo adorable Mel. He is such a cutie patootie xx

  24. He is a delight. They are such little explorers at this age, yet still seek out Mama.
    I have a Flynn too!
    Have a lovely week.

  25. He is just the cutest, and probably the most exhausting ... well since the twins anyway ;)

    Actually my youngest was twice the work his siblings had been at that age ... they seem to gain additional confidence from having older kids around don't you think?

  26. cute as a bugs ear Mel, and damn you know they are cute!
    Go little fella go!

  27. That photo of Flynn chasing the chicken just cracks me up - they must be thinking "Run from the toddler! Run!" Your photos and words remind me so much of Angus at that age, everything must be touched, explored, climbed on and pressed. Twice. It's exhausting, yes, but gosh he's cute. I want to squeeze him! x

  28. Oh, Mel, you must be exhausted! But he is oh so cute and fun.
    I didn't let my girls go in the kitchen at all until they were 5 or so, unless I was carrying them or holding their hand. That worked for us because of the layout of our kitchen and living room. I don't think I could have coped with a toddler underfoot in the kitchen. A few years back we minded a cat who kept coming into the kitchen, it made me so stressed and I realised then that I'd never had kids underfoot, and I didn't want a cat underfoot either!
    You must be much more easygoing than me! Or have a bigger kitchen, lol. Glad you are getting that afternoon nap time! Enjoy this stage :-)

  29. That is a great photo of Flynn with the chicken. It is a "21st birthday party" classic! Maybe could be on the front of the 21st party invitations.

  30. He is a little beauty ... I remember this stage too ... so hard to keep track of ... I found myself trailing around after them and getting nothing else done ... enjoy it though ... it is only a moment in time and will pass all too soon ... Bee xx

  31. Oh Mel all these photos had me smiling. You will look back at them in years to come and laugh about all those funny things he used to do as a toddler. x

  32. this made me laugh! what a little adventurer. Oh, I remember the lunchtime sleep, a little bit of breathing space for mum before the afternoon session. So precious. Hang in there Mel! Jane x

  33. Definitely a book there! Gorgeous boy xxx

  34. Catching up on news - he makes me laugh especially that first picture!

  35. These photos are all so precious Mel xx
